Aesculap AG


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New (last 4 weeks) 1
2024 April (MTD) 1
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NICE Class
10 - Medical apparatus and instruments 64
44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services 16
05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products 14
41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services 13
42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design 13
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Pending 4
Registered / In Force 74
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Application Number 019011847
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-04-10
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 17 - Rubber and plastic; packing and insulating materials
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Pharmazeutische, medizinische und veterinärmedizinische Erzeugnisse; Hygienepräparate und -artikel für medizinische Zwecke; Mikrobiologische und zellbiologische Produkte für medizinische Zwecke; Kultursystem zur Anregung des Knochenzellenwachstums und/oder Knorpelzellenwachstums bestehend aus chondrogenen und/oder osteogenen Zellen mesenchymalen Ursprungs; Stammzellkulturen; mesenchymale Zellkulturen aus Knochenzellen, Knorpelzellen oder Hautzellen; Diätetische Lebensmittel und Erzeugnisse für medizinische oder veterinärmedizinische Zwecke; Pflaster, Verbandmaterial; Desinfektionsmittel; biologische Implantate; chemische Produkte für medizinische und hygienische Zwecke. Unedle Metalle und deren Legierungen für chirurgische und orthopädische Implantate. Durch Druckluft und/oder elektrisch angetriebene Spezialmotoren als Antriebsmittel für Geräte für die Knochenchirurgie, Frakturbehandlung, Orthopädie, Neuro-Chirurgie, Hand-Chirurgie und Dermatologie sowie dazugehörige biegsame Wellen, Handstücke und Aufsätze zum Bohren, Sägen, Fräsen, Trepanieren, zur Hauttransplantation und zum Hautschleifen; Maschinen und Werkzeugmaschinen; Motoren (ausgenommen Motoren für Landfahrzeuge); Kupplungen und Vorrichtungen zur Kraftübertragung (ausgenommen solche für Landfahrzeuge); Elektromotoren zum Antrieb chirurgischer Instrumente und Geräte; Elektromotoren zum Antrieb chirurgischer Instrumente; Maschinen, nämlich für die Tierzucht und -pflege; Tierschermaschinen (elektrisch). Handbetätigte Werkzeuge und Geräte; Friseurgeräte; Haarschneidemaschinen; Bartschneidemaschinen; Rasiermesser; Rasierapparate; Scheren; Schneidwerkzeuge; Tierschergeräte. Elektrische und wissenschaftliche Apparate und Instrumente; Optische Instrumente für die Bilderfassung mit einem starren oder flexiblen Anwendungsteil; Endoskope und optische Sonden für TV-Kameras; computerunterstütztes Instrumenten-Tracking-System, nämlich Software zur Verwaltung und Organisation von chirurgischen Instrumenten sowie zur Instrumentenaufbereitung im Krankenhaus; Mobile Apps; Mobile Anwendungen (Apps) für die Digitalisierung und das Management von Siebinhaltslisten für medizinische Erzeugnisse; Anwendungen (Apps) für die Digitalisierung und das Management von Siebinhaltslisten für medizinische Erzeugnisse; Computersoftware/Webanwendung für die Digitalisierung und das Management von Siebinhaltslisten für medizinische Erzeugnisse; auf Computermedien gespeicherte elektronische Datenbanken; Elektronische Datenbanken; Interaktive Computersoftware zum Austausch von Daten; Computersoftware für die Datenübertragung zwischen Computern über ein lokales Netz; Datenspeicherprogramme; Datenmanagement-Software; Software für die Daten- und Dateiverwaltung sowie für Datenbanken; Computersoftware zur Erstellung von durchsuchbaren Datenbanken mit Informationen und Daten; Computersoftware zur Datensuche und -abfrage; Software zur Synchronisierung von Datenbanken; Computersoftware zur Ermöglichung des Datenabrufs; Datenverarbeitungssoftware für grafische Darstellungen; Datenverarbeitungssoftware für die Textverarbeitung; Intelligente Gateways für die Echtzeit-Datenanalyse; Datenschutzsoftware; Computerdienstprogramme zur Datenkomprimierung; Software für die Komprimierung von Daten; Computersoftware zur Genehmigung des Zugriffs auf Datenbanken; Datenbankserver-Software; Geräte zur Aufzeichnung von Daten; Datenanzug; Computer Navigationssysteme für chirurgische Zwecke, soweit in Klasse 09 enthalten; Videokameras für medizinische Zwecke sowie Netz- und Steuergeräte für diese Waren; Datenverarbeitungsgeräte, -ausrüstung und Zubehör für die Archivierung und Dokumentation sowie Monitore; Datenverarbeitungsgeräte für medizinische Zwecke; Computersoftware einschließlich mit Programmen oder sonstigen Informationen versehene maschinenlesbare Datenträger. Neurochirurgische, chirurgische, medizinische, ärztliche, zahn- und tierärztliche Instrumente, Apparate und Geräte; Teile und Zubehör zu chirurgischen, medizinischen, ärztlichen, zahn- und tierärztlichen Instrumenten, Geräten und Apparaten; chirurgische Instrumente für die orthopädische Chirurgie; Instrumente für die gastrointestinale Chirurgie; medizinische Instrumente zum Schließen von Wunden; Instrumente zur Blutstillung; Instrumente zur Herzstimulation; urologische Apparate und Instrumente; chirurgische Apparate und Instrumente für zahnärztliche Zwecke; Spongiosaschrauben in Form von orthopädischen chirurgischen Instrumenten; Scheren [chirurgische Instrumente]; chirurgische Apparate und Instrumente für veterinärmedizinische Zwecke; Gummiwaren für chirurgische Zwecke; Behälter für chirurgische Instrumente; Halter zur Fixierung und Lagerung chirurgischer Instrumente und Geräte in Reinigungs- und Desinfektionsmaschinen; medizinische Ablagen zur Aufbewahrung von chirurgischen Instrumenten; Sterilcontainer und Sterilisiersiebschalen; Zubehör und Ersatzteile für Sterilcontainer und Sterilisiersiebschalen; Stericontainer zur Verpackung; Sterile Lagerung chirurgischer Instrumente im Krankenhaus; Chirurgische Instrumente und Geräte zur Festlegung von Schädelknochen; Körperimplantate, Fixierelemente zur Festlegung von Schädelknochen; Klammern für chirurgische Zwecke; Aneurysmen Clips; Mikrochirurgische Instrumente für die Neurochirurgie; Pneumatische Knochenstanze; Pedikelschrauben nebst Zubehör, wie Verbindungsstäbe, Verriegelungsschrauben, Haken, Stab-, Quer- und Kabelverbinder sowie Okziput- und Sakralplatten; Instrumente für die minimal-invasive Chirurgie; medizinische und chirurgische Geräte zur Unterstützung bei operativem Verschließen und Teilen von Geweben; Chirurgische Instrumente für die Entnahme von Venen; Chirurgische und ärztliche Instrumente zum Einsetzen von Implantaten; chirurgische Verplattungssysteme für die Wirbelsäule bestehend aus Platten und Schrauben für chirurgische Zwecke; Durch Druckluft und/oder elektrisch angetriebene Spezialmotoren als Antriebsmittel für Geräte, für die Knochenchirurgie, Frakturbehandlung, Orthopädie, Neuro-Chirurgie, Hand-Chirurgie und Dermatologie sowie dazugehörige biegsame Wellen, Handstücke und Aufsätze zum Bohren, Sägen, Fräsen, Trepanieren, zur Hauttransplantation und zum Hautschleifen; elektrisch betriebene Handwerkzeuge für chirurgische Zwecke, Elektromotoren zum Antrieb chirurgischer Instrumente und Geräte; medizinische Drainageeinrichtungen; Kanülen, Ventile für medizinische Zwecke; Ventile zur Hydrozephalusbehandlung und Zubehör hierfür, nämlich Katheter, Konnektoren, Bohrlochumlenker, Pumpkammern, Bohrlochreservoire, Verschlussstopfen; Geräte zur Erzeugung von Ultraschallfeldern für medizinische Behandlungen; Ultraschallaspiratoren zum Trennen von weichen Gewebeteilen; medizinische Lasergeräte sowie Netz- und Steuergeräte für diese Waren; elektromedizinische Geräte; Lichtquellen für medizinische Zwecke; Insufflatoren; medizinisch-optische Geräte, nämlich starre und flexible Endoskope und deren Teile; Endoskope; endoskopisches Zubehör; optische Sonden für TV-Kameras; optisch-faseroptische Sensoren; medizinisch-optische Instrumente zur Bilderfassung mit starrem oder flexiblem Anwendungsteil; Spezialobjektive; optische und faseroptische Komponenten, Baugruppen und Bauteile; Lichtleiter, Lichtquellen, nämlich Kaltlichtquellen; medizinisch-opto-elektronische Mess- und Prüfgeräte sowie daraus zusammengestellte Systeme; TV-Kameras und daraus zusammengestellte Systeme; Visualisierungsgeräte und daraus zusammengestellte Systeme für die Diagnose und/oder die Therapie; Bildgebendes medizinisches Gerät, nämlich Videokamera für endoskopische Anwendungen; Medizinische Apparate für die Laparoskopie; Knochenplatten; Knochenschrauben; Ärztliche und chirurgische Laparoskope; Apparate zur Erzeugung von Ultraschallwellen für die medizinische Anwendung; Orthopädische Artikel; künstliche Gliedmaßen, Augen und Zähne; Prothesen und künstliche Implantate; Chirurgische Implantate aus künstlichen Materialien; Körperimplantate aus resobierbarem Werkstoff, nämlich Fixierelemente für Schädelknochen; chirurgische und orthopädische Implantate und Prothesen; Chirurgische und orthopädische Implantate für die posteriore Stabilisierung der Wirbelsäule; Endoprothesen und deren Teile; chirurgische Transplantate; Gefäßprothesen; Knochenchirurgische Implantate; Prothesen; Endoprothesen; Orthesen; Hüftendoprothesen; Gelenkendoprothesen; Mit Vitamin E stabilisierte Kunststoffe als Komponente für orthopädische Implantate und Prothesen; Wirbelsäulenimplantate (aus künstlichen Materialien); Körperimplantate; Implantate aus Metall und/oder Kunststoff, nämlich Knochennägel, -schrauben, -platten, -klammern; künstliche Implantate; synthetische Implantate; Nahtmaterial; chirurgisches Nahtmaterial; Operationsmobiliar und Einrichtungsgegenstände für Operationshallen und Kliniken; Operations- und Krankenmöbel; Instrumenten- und Medizinschränke; Medizinische Möbel. Apparate für Sterilisation und Desinfektion; Sterilisatoren; Sterilisationsgeräte für medizinische Instrumente; Sterilisationscontainer für medizinische Instrumente; Lichtquellen, ausgenommen für medizinische Zwecke. Kunststoffe, teilweise bearbeitet, ausgenommen für Kabel. Veranstaltung von Messen und Ausstellungen; Betrieb eines Begegnungszentrums in organisatorischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht; Hilfe in Geschäftsangelegenheiten, Geschäftsführung und administrative Dienstleistungen; Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse-, Recherche- und Informationsdienstleistungen; Beratung von Krankenhäusern und Ärzten in organisatorischer und betriebswirtschaftlicher Hinsicht; Erarbeiten von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen; Beratung in Bezug auf die Bereitstellung von Qualitätsmanagementsystemen; Installation eines Instrumentenmanagementsystems durch Bestandaufnahme des Chirurgiebestecks und Analyse des Aufbereitungsprozesses; Erstellen von Inventarlisten und betriebswirtschaftliche Inventaranalyse; Beratung in Bezug auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit von Unternehmen, Krankenhäusern und Kliniken; Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalysen im Sterilgutkreislauf von Krankenhäusern und Kliniken; Organisation und Veranstaltung von Messen und Ausstellungen für wirtschaftliche und Werbezwecke. Versicherungswesen; Finanzwesen; Geldgeschäfte; Immobilienwesen. Reparatur und Instandhaltung von medizinischen und chirurgischen Instrumenten, Apparaten und Geräten; Reinigen von medizinischen und chirurgischen Instrumenten und Geräten; Sterilisation von Instrumenten und Geräten; Befüllen von Magazinen mit chirurgischen Instrumenten und Geräten; Beratung zu allen vorgenannten Dienstleistungen. Lagerhaltung von chirurgischen Instrumenten und Geräten; Bereitstellen und Wegräumen (Transport) von chirurgischen Instrumenten und Geräten; Beratung zu allen vorgenannten Dienstleistungen. IT-Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf die Digitalisierung und das Management von Siebinhaltslisten für medizinische Erzeugnisse; Digitalisierung von Dokumenten, Bildern und Klängen von medizinischen Erzeugnissen; Aus- und Weiterbildung; Aus- und Weiterbildung von Ärzten und ärztlichem Personal auf dem Gebiet der Medizin in neuen Operationstechniken; Durchführung von Schulungskursen für Ärzte und ärztliches Personal; Filmvorführungen; Filmverleih; Veröffentlichung und Herausgabe von wissenschaftlichen Informationsschriften auf dem Gebiet der Medizin und Medizintechnik; Organisation und Veranstaltung von Konferenzen, Tagungen, Kongressen, Symposien und Workshops für kulturelle, Unterrichts- und Bildungszwecke auf den Gebieten der Medizin und Medizintechnik. Datenverarbeitungsprogrammentwicklung; Entwicklung von Datenbanken; Pflege von Datenbanken; Entwicklung von Datenprogrammen; Computerprogrammierung zur Datenverarbeitung; medizinische Forschung; Forschung auf den Gebieten mikrobiologischer und zellbiologischer Produkte für medizinische Zwecke; Programmierung von Datenverarbeitungsgeräten; Softwareengineering für Datenverarbeitungsprogramme; Design von Computer-Datenbanken; Entwurf und Entwicklung von Datenimport- und Datenverwaltungssoftware; Aktualisierung von Software-Datenbanken; Leistungsbewertung von Datenverarbeitung im Vergleich mit Benchmark-Referenzwerten; Konzeption von Hardware zur Konvertierung von Daten und Multimediainhalten von verschiedenen Protokollen und in verschiedene Protokolle; Wissenschaftliche und technologische Dienstleistungen sowie Forschungsarbeiten und diesbezügliche Designerdienstleistungen; industrielle Analyse- und Forschungsdienstleistungen; Entwurf und Entwicklung von Computerhard- und -software; Vermietung von Datenverarbeitungsprogrammen; Konstruktionsplanung von individuell angepassten Endoprothesen; Bau- und Projektplanung, nämlich Planung der zentralen Sterilgutversorgungsabteilung in Krankenhäusern; Technische Planung und Beratung für Krankenhäuser und Ärzte. Datenabrufdienstleistungen bezüglich medizinischer Informationen; technische Beratung Dritter über die Anwendung medizinischer Geräte; Erstellung von Operationsplänen für Krankenhäuser; Medizinische und veterinärmedizinische Dienstleistungen; Medizinische und veterinärmedizinische und Pflegedienstleistungen; Gesundheits- und Schönheitspflege für Menschen und Tiere; Dienstleistungen eines Arztes, Dienstleistungen einer Klinik, Dienstleistungen eines Krankenhauses; Medizinische Dienstleistungen; Beratung über chirurgische Instrumente; Vermietung von medizinischen, chirurgischen Instrumenten, Geräten und Apparaten; Prozessberatung im Gesundheitswesen; Prozessberatung im Krankenhaus; Beratungen in Bezug auf medizinische Dienstleistungen.



Application Number 018999078
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-14
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus, devices and instruments; Suture materials; Surgical implants of artificial materials.



Application Number 018999125
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-03-14
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus, devices and instruments; Surgical implants comprised of artificial materials.


Aesculap Academy

Application Number 018989280
Status Pending
Filing Date 2024-02-22
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Organisation von Ausstellungen und Messen; Dienstleistungen eines Tagungszentrums in organisatorischer und wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht; Organisation und Verwaltung von Tagungszentren. Ausbildung, Schulung und Qualifizierung von Ärzten und medizinischem Personal in der Medizin, insbesondere in neuen Operationstechniken; Veranstaltung von Fortbildungskursen für Ärzte und medizinisches Personal; Vorführung von Filmen; Verleih von Filmen; Veröffentlichung und Herausgabe von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten im Bereich der Medizintechnik. Beratung in medizinischen Fragen; Beratung in Bezug auf den Einsatz von medizintechnischen Geräten; Krankenhausdienstleistungen.



Application Number 018953512
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-11-21
Registration Date 2024-04-12
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical implants; Implants.



Application Number 018928005
Status Registered
Filing Date 2023-09-20
Registration Date 2024-02-09
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical apparatus and instruments; Spinal column implants made of artificial materials; Surgical spinal-plate systems consisting of plates and screws for surgical purposes.


Full Cycle

Application Number 018705830
Status Registered
Filing Date 2022-05-19
Registration Date 2023-04-21
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and medical goods, namely containers and storage systems for surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and medical goods, inserts for sieve baskets for surgical instruments and medical goods, bars and mats for storing surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments and medical goods; Sterile containers and sterilising trays; Accessories and replacement parts for sterile containers and sterilising trays.



Application Number 018371965
Status Registered
Filing Date 2021-01-08
Registration Date 2021-05-10
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Electronic databases recorded on computer media; Databases (electronic); Interactive computer software enabling exchange of information; Computer software for communication between computers over a local network; Data storage programs; Data management software; Data and file management and database software; Computer software for creating searchable databases of information and data; Computer software to enable searching and retrieval of data; Database synchronization software; Computer software to enable retrieval of data; Data processing software for graphic representations; Data processing software for word processing; Intelligent gateways for real-time data analysis; Privacy software; Computer utility programs for data compression; Data compression software; Computer software for authorising access to data bases; Database server software; Apparatus for recording data; Data suits. Orthopaedic implants; Surgical apparatus and instruments; Surgical implants. Software engineering; Development of data bases; Maintenance of data bases; Development of data programs; Computer programming for data processing; Programming of data processing equipment; Software engineering services for data processing programs; Design of computer databases; Design and development of software for importing and managing data; Updating of software databases; Evaluation of performance of data-processing against bench-mark references; Design of hardware for data and multimedia content conversion from and to different protocols. Medical information retrieval services.



Application Number 018327671
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-10-28
Registration Date 2021-02-17
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Collaboration software platforms [software]; Collaboration management software platforms. Consultancy and information services relating to medical products.



Application Number 018284635
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-08-05
Registration Date 2021-01-22
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

sterile containers and sterilising trays; accessories and replacement parts for sterile containers and sterilising trays; all of the aforementioned goods not for ophthalmic, optical purposes.



Application Number 018264516
Status Registered
Filing Date 2020-07-01
Registration Date 2020-10-28
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Surgical implants comprised of artificial materials; Clasps for surgical use; Aneurysm Clip.


Aesculap Aeos

Application Number 018143291
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-10-28
Registration Date 2020-02-27
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Digital surgical microscopes; Parts and components for digital surgical microscopes; Software and software applications for digital surgical microscopes; Hardware and software platforms for digital surgical visualisation. Surgical imaging apparatus.



Application Number 018140516
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-10-18
Registration Date 2020-02-15
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products

Goods & Services

Cell biological preparations for medical purposes, namely culture system of autologous cartilage cells; Culture system for stimulation of bone cell growth and/or cartilage cell growth.



Application Number 018033095
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-03-07
Registration Date 2019-10-18
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials

Goods & Services

Product labels with process indicators for monitoring the sterilisation carried out on the sterile packages of surgical instruments, the content of the sterilised packages being used in operations and the labels subsequently being stuck in patient files for documentation/traceability. Printed paper labels.



Application Number 018015883
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-01-29
Registration Date 2019-06-06
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Surgical instruments for use in orthopedic surgery; Surgical apparatus and instruments for medical use; Instruments for gastrointestinal surgery; Medical and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Medical devices for closing wounds; Haemostats; Instruments for cardiac stimulation; Urological apparatus and instruments; Surgical apparatus and instruments for dental use; Lag screws in the nature of orthopaedic surgical instruments; Receptacles for receiving surgical instruments; Shears [surgical instruments]; Surgical instruments; Surgical apparatus and instruments for veterinary use; Trays for holding surgical instruments; Prosthetics and artificial implants; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Suture materials.



Application Number 018015887
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-01-29
Registration Date 2019-06-06
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Sterile containers and sterilising trays; Accessories and replacement parts for sterile containers and sterilising trays.



Application Number 018014638
Status Registered
Filing Date 2019-01-24
Registration Date 2019-06-27
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 02 - Paints, varnishes, lacquers
  • 03 - Cosmetics and toiletries; cleaning, bleaching, polishing and abrasive preparations
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 08 - Hand tools and implements
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 11 - Environmental control apparatus
  • 16 - Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials
  • 20 - Furniture and decorative products
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services
  • 45 - Legal and security services; personal services for individuals.

Goods & Services

Anti-rust preparations. Cleaning and polishing preparations, In particular care preparations for medical and healthcare instruments. Pharmaceutical, medical and veterinary medical preparations; Sanitary preparations for medical purposes; Dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; Dietary supplements for humans and animals; Plasters, materials for dressings; Material for stopping teeth, dental wax; Disinfectants; Preparations for destroying vermin; Fungicides, herbicides; Chemicals for medical and hygienic purposes. Machines, namely for animal breeding and care; Hair clipping machines for animals (electric); Agricultural implements other than hand-operated. Hand tools and implements (hand-operated); Hairdressing apparatus; Hair clippers; Beard clippers; Razors; Razors; Scissors; Cutting tools [hand tools]; Hand-operated hair clippers for animals (hand instruments). Electrical and scientific apparatus and instruments; Video cameras for medical purposes, and power supply units and control apparatus for these goods; Data processing apparatus, equipment and accessories, in particular for archiving and documentation, and monitors; Data processing equipment for medical use; Computer software, including machine-readable data carriers provided with programs or other information; Endoscopes, not for medical purposes. Neurosurgical, surgical, medical, dental, healthcare, veterinary instruments, apparatus and equipment; Animal breeding instruments, apparatus and equipment, namely bull holders, nose rings, nippers, claw clippers, farriers' knives, claw knives, hoof knives, hoof testing forceps, hoof and claw cutters, castration forceps, obstetric snares, eye hooks, suture needles, embryotomy wire saws, insertion needles, teat tumour extractors, vaginal tape, wire saw handles; Endoscopes and parts therefor; Medical laser apparatus, and power supplies and control apparatus for the aforesaid goods; Implants of metal and/or plastic, namely bone nails, screws, plates, clamps; Goods of rubber for surgical purposes; Artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Artificial limbs; Endoprostheses; Orthoses; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Electro medical instruments; Light sources for medical use; Insufflators; Furniture for operations and furnishings for operating theatres and clinics; Furniture for operations and hospitals; Cabinets for instruments and medicine; Furniture for medical use, Thread, surgical; Sterile containers; Sterile containers for packaging; Sterile storage for surgical instruments in hospitals. Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes; Sterilisation and disinfection apparatus; Sterilisers; Sterilization units for medical instruments; Sterilisation containers for medical instruments; Light sources, other than for medical purposes. Printed matter; Books; Pamphlets; Prospectuses; Guides; School supplies (stationery ). Furniture. Business assistance, management and administrative services; Business analysis, research and information services; Organisational and professional business consultancy for hospitals and doctors; Development of quality management systems; advisory and consultancy services with regard to the supply of quality management systems; Installation of an instrument management system by taking inventory of surgical equipment and analysing treatment processes; Creation of inventory lists and professional business inventory analysis; Consultancy in relation to company efficiency, in particular of hospitals and clinics; Efficiency analysis in the use cycle of sterile materials in hospitals and clinics; Organisation of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes. Insurance; Financial affairs; Monetary affairs; Real estate affairs. Maintenance and repair of medical and surgical equipment, apparatus and instruments; Cleaning of medical and surgical instruments and apparatus; Sterilisation of instruments and apparatus; Filling of magazines with surgical instruments and apparatus; Advisory services relating to the aforesaid services. Storage of surgical instruments and equipment; Providing and clearing away (transport) of surgical instruments and apparatus; Advisory services relating to the aforesaid services. Providing of training and further training; Conducting instructional courses; Film rental, film showings; Publication of scientific information journals, in particular in the fields of medicine and medical technology; Organisation and arranging of conferences, meetings, congresses, symposiums and workshops for cultural, teaching and educational purposes, in particular in the fields of medicine and medical technology. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; Industrial analysis and research services; Design and development of computer hardware and software; Rental of data processing programs; Construction planning of individually adapted endoprostheses; Building and project planning, in particular planning of the central sterile material supply department in hospitals; Technical planning and consultancy for hospitals and doctors. Medical and veterinary care; Rental of medical and surgical equipment, apparatus and instruments; Medical consultations. Safety services; Monitoring of standards and processes for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations; Consultancy in the field of work process safety in hospitals and clinics.



Application Number 017916084
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-06-08
Registration Date 2018-10-03
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Thread, surgical.



Application Number 017901044
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-05-16
Registration Date 2018-11-19
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Mobile apps for digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products; Apps for digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products; Computer software/web applications for digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products. IT services relating to the digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products; Digitalisation of documents, images and sound of medical products.



Application Number 017896239
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-05-07
Registration Date 2019-01-12
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Orthopaedic implants and instruments for endoprosthetics.



Application Number 017891319
Status Registered
Filing Date 2018-04-24
Registration Date 2018-09-13
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Intravenous cannulae for the veterinary sector.



Application Number 017540337
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-11-29
Registration Date 2018-03-28
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Medical preparations; Medical preparations for replacement, repair or augmentation of bone; Substances for use in preparing implant materials for replacement, repair or augmentation of bone. Surgical and medical implants; Implants, fillers and grafts, all for replacement, repair or augmentation of bone; Bone implants and fillers; Bone grafting material.



Application Number 016660219
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-04-28
Registration Date 2017-08-18
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Efficiency experts; Business networking services; Business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; Market analysis; Providing business management start-up support for other businesses. Providing financing to emerging and start-up companies; Venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies. Conference services; Conducting of instructional seminars; Arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; Arranging of workshops; Workshops for training purposes; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Conducting courses, seminars and workshops; Provision of training courses; Organisation of conferences, exhibitions and competitions; Film and video tape film production; Coaching; Career counselling and coaching; Coaching in economic and management matters. IT services; Services for the writing of computer programs; Services for the writing of computer software; IT project management; Computer software design; Software creation; Software development; Software engineering; Software design and development; Computer programming and software design; Writing of programs for data processing; Development and testing of software; Programming of software for information platforms on the Internet; Development of data bases. Medical consultations.



Application Number 016660268
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-04-28
Registration Date 2017-08-18
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Efficiency experts; Business networking services; Business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; Market analysis; Providing business management start-up support for other businesses. Providing financing to emerging and start-up companies; Venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies. Conference services; Conducting of instructional seminars; Arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; Arranging of workshops; Workshops for training purposes; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Conducting courses, seminars and workshops; Provision of training courses; Organisation of conferences, exhibitions and competitions; Film and video tape film production; Coaching; Career counselling and coaching; Coaching in economic and management matters. IT services; Services for the writing of computer programs; Services for the writing of computer software; IT project management; Computer software design; Software creation; Software development; Software engineering; Software design and development; Computer programming and software design; Writing of programs for data processing; Development and testing of software; Programming of software for information platforms on the Internet; Development of data bases. Medical consultations.



Application Number 016663528
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-04-28
Registration Date 2017-08-18
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Efficiency experts; Business networking services; Business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; Market analysis; Providing business management start-up support for other businesses. Providing financing to emerging and start-up companies; Venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies. Conference services; Conducting of instructional seminars; Arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; Arranging of workshops; Workshops for training purposes; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Conducting courses, seminars and workshops; Provision of training courses; Organisation of conferences, exhibitions and competitions; Film and video tape film production; Coaching; Career counselling and coaching; Coaching in economic and management matters. IT services; Services for the writing of computer programs; Services for the writing of computer software; IT project management; Computer software design; Software creation; Software development; Software engineering; Software design and development; Computer programming and software design; Writing of programs for data processing; Development and testing of software; Programming of software for information platforms on the Internet; Development of data bases. Medical consultations.



Application Number 016663494
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-04-28
Registration Date 2017-08-18
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Efficiency experts; Business networking services; Business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; Market analysis; Providing business management start-up support for other businesses. Providing financing to emerging and start-up companies; Venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies. Conference services; Conducting of instructional seminars; Arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; Arranging of workshops; Workshops for training purposes; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Conducting courses, seminars and workshops; Provision of training courses; Organisation of conferences, exhibitions and competitions; Film and video tape film production; Coaching; Career counselling and coaching; Coaching in economic and management matters. IT services; Services for the writing of computer programs; Services for the writing of computer software; IT project management; Computer software design; Software creation; Software development; Software engineering; Software design and development; Computer programming and software design; Writing of programs for data processing; Development and testing of software; Programming of software for information platforms on the Internet; Development of data bases. Medical consultations.



Application Number 016466121
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-03-14
Registration Date 2017-06-23
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 36 - Financial, insurance and real estate services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Efficiency experts; Business networking services; Business services relating to the arrangement of joint ventures; Market analysis; Providing business management start-up support for other businesses. Providing financing to emerging and start-up companies; Venture capital funding services to emerging and start-up companies. Conference services; Conducting of instructional seminars; Arrangement of conferences for educational purposes; Arranging of workshops; Workshops for training purposes; Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; Conducting courses, seminars and workshops; Provision of training courses; Organisation of conferences, exhibitions and competitions; Film and video tape film production; Coaching; Career counselling and coaching; Coaching in economic and management matters. IT services; Services for the writing of computer programs; Services for the writing of computer software; IT project management; Computer software design; Software creation; Software development; Software engineering; Software design and development; Computer programming and software design; Writing of programs for data processing; Development and testing of software; Programming of software for information platforms on the Internet; Development of data bases. Medical consultations.



Application Number 016420762
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-03-01
Registration Date 2018-03-15
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design

Goods & Services

Mobile apps for digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products; Apps for digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products; Computer software/web applications for digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products. IT services relating to the digitalisation and management of tray content lists for medical products; Digitalisation of documents, images and sound of medical products.



Application Number 016326431
Status Registered
Filing Date 2017-02-07
Registration Date 2017-06-27
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products

Goods & Services

Wound dressings, wound inlays, tampons, medical products for wound drainage and/or healing of inflamed internal wounds, Medical articles; Medical dressing; Surgical drainage dressing; Open-pore sponge with drain for treatment for anal fistulas; anal fistula plug, bioprosthetic plug, seton, anal fistual drainage.



Application Number 015876154
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-09-29
Registration Date 2017-01-25
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical apparatus and implements; Medical apparatus and instruments for use in cardiac surgery; Heart positioners.



Application Number 015876105
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-09-29
Registration Date 2017-01-25
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical apparatus and implements; Medical apparatus and instruments for use in cardiac surgery; Heart positioners.



Application Number 015748023
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-08-15
Registration Date 2016-12-16
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical staplers; surgical staples; automated anastomosis systems comprised of connectors and applicators for coronary artery bypass graft surgery.



Application Number 015346381
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-04-18
Registration Date 2016-08-25
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Imaging medical apparatus, namely video cameras for endoscopic applications.



Application Number 015006596
Status Registered
Filing Date 2016-01-15
Registration Date 2017-06-07
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Hemostatic preparation; Hemostatics for medical purposes; Powder hemostat made from starch; Hemostatic for veterinary. Hemostats; Hemostatic instruments and devices.


Solutions Beyond Fusion

Application Number 014889182
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-12-08
Registration Date 2016-04-12
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Software for providing storage recommendations for surgical and medical instruments. Surgical and medical, apparatus and instruments; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Surgical and orthopaedic implants for posterior stabilisation of the spine; Pedicle screws and accessories, including connecting rods, locking screws, hooks, bar connectors, transverse connectors and cable connectors and occipital plates and sacral plates, wires and cables. Instruction for hospital personnel and doctors' surgeries. Medical services, consultancy for hospital personnel and doctors' surgeries.



Application Number 014753719
Status Registered
Filing Date 2015-11-02
Registration Date 2016-03-04
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus, instruments and devices; Pneumatic bone punches.


Intuitive & Quick

Application Number 013317417
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-10-02
Registration Date 2015-02-23
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical, apparatus and instruments; Surgical implants (artificial materials); Surgical instruments for fitting knee endoprostheses.


Aesculap InOS

Application Number 013298823
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-09-25
Registration Date 2015-02-17
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments; Containers and storage systems for surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments; Inserts for sieve baskets for surgical instruments; Webs and mats for storing surgical, medical, dental and veterinary instruments.



Application Number 013131743
Status Registered
Filing Date 2014-07-31
Registration Date 2017-04-25
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services

Goods & Services

Advertising; Business consultancy and advisory services; Consultancy in relation to business management and hospital management. Education; Providing of training.



Application Number 012069555
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-08-15
Registration Date 2014-01-07
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical, apparatus and instruments; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Surgical and orthopaedic implants for posterior stabilisation of the spine; Pedicle screws and accessories, including connecting rods, locking screws, hooks, bar connectors, transverse connectors and cable connectors and occiput plates and sacral plates.



Application Number 012069514
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-08-15
Registration Date 2014-08-27
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical, apparatus and instruments; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Surgical and orthopaedic implants for posterior stabilisation of the spine; Pedicle screws and accessories, including connecting rods, locking screws, hooks, bar connectors, transverse connectors and cable connectors and occiput plates and sacral plates; all aforementioned goods excluding ophthalmic surgical instruments.



Application Number 012069613
Status Registered
Filing Date 2013-08-15
Registration Date 2014-01-07
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Orthopaedic and surgical implants.



Application Number 011328762
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-11-08
Registration Date 2013-04-15
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; Sanitary preparations for medical purposes; Dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; Dietary supplements for humans and animals; Plasters, materials for dressings; Material for stopping teeth, dental wax; Disinfectants; Styptic absorbable cellulose; Resorbent and absorbent material with a base of oxidised cellulose for internal and external medical application; Bio-absorbable hemostat. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials.



Application Number 011327541
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-11-07
Registration Date 2013-03-28
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Machines and machine tools; Motors and engines (except for land vehicles); Machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); Electric motors for driving surgical apparatus and instruments; Electric motors for driving surgical instruments. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials; Electrically operated hand tools for surgical purposes.



Application Number 011304292
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-10-30
Registration Date 2013-03-28
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 07 - Machines and machine tools
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Machines and machine tools; Motors and engines (except for land vehicles); Machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); Electric motors for driving surgical apparatus and instruments; Electric motors for driving surgical instruments. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials; Electrically operated hand tools for surgical purposes.



Application Number 011221868
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-09-27
Registration Date 2013-06-27
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; Sanitary preparations for medical purposes; Plasters, materials for dressings; Disinfectants; Wound dressings; Wound inserts; Tamponades. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials; Aerosol dispensers for medical purposes; Acupuncture needles; Testing apparatus for medical purposes; Artificial respiration (Apparatus for -); X-rays (Apparatus and installations for the production of -), for medical purposes; Nursing appliances; Deafness (Apparatus for the treatment of -); Rehabilitation apparatus (Body -) for medical purposes; Microdermabrasion apparatus; Instrument cases for use by surgeons and doctors; Respirators for artificial respiration; Basins for medical purposes; Receptacles for applying medicines; Teething rings; Blood testing apparatus; Sphygmomanometers; Trusses; Artificial breasts; Incubators for medical purposes; Surgical apparatus and instruments; Thread, surgical; Surgical implants [artificial materials]; Cutlery [surgical]; Suture needles; Sponges (Surgical -); Mirrors for surgeons; Suture materials; Defibrillators; Bougies [surgery]; Diagnostic apparatus for medical purposes; Dialyzers; Drainage tubes for medical purposes; Insufflators; Ice bags for medical purposes; Bandages, elastic; Electric acupuncture instruments; Electrodes for medical use; Electrocardiographs; Tips for crutches for invalids; Finger guards for medical purposes; Feeding bottle teats; Burs (Dental -); Galvanic belts for medical purposes; Galvanic therapeutic appliances; Gastroscopes; Uterine syringes; Cattle (Obstetric apparatus for -); Obstetric apparatus; Forceps; Hearing protectors; Physiotherapy apparatus; Body cavities (Appliances for washing -); Plaster bandages for orthopaedic purposes [casts (Am)]; Belts, electric, for medical purposes; Belts for medical purposes; Orthopedic belts; Hair prostheses; Hematimeters; Gloves for medical purposes; Urinals [vessels]; Urethral probes; Urethral syringes; Invalids' hoists; Blankets, electric, for medical purposes; Pads (Heating -), electric, for medical purposes; Hot air vibrators for medical purposes; Heart pacemakers; Hearing aids for the deaf; Ear trumpets; Corsets for medical purposes; Corn knives; Syringes for injections; Inhalers; Injectors for medical purposes; Incubators for babies; Douche bags; Enema apparatus for medical purposes; Cannulae; Castrating pincers; Catgut; Catheters; Cushions for medical purposes; Pads [pouches] for preventing pressure sores on patient bodies; Cases fitted for use by surgeons and doctors; Compressors [surgical]; Soporific pillows for insomnia; Stockings for varices; Ambulance stretchers; Draw-sheets for sick beds; Crutches; Artificial eyes; Artificial skin for surgical purposes; Artificial jaws; Lenses [intraocular prostheses] for surgical implantation; Artificial teeth; Lamps for medical purposes; Fleams; Lasers for medical purposes; Abdominal belts; Abdominal corsets; Air pillows for medical purposes; Air cushions for medical purposes; Air mattresses, for medical purposes; Masks for use by medical personnel; Massage apparatus; Esthetic massage apparatus; Gloves for massage; Childbirth mattresses; Medical apparatus and instruments; Medical guidewires; Physical exercise apparatus, for medical purposes; Spoons for administering medicine; Knives for surgical purposes; Breast pumps; Umbilical belts; Commode chairs; Needles for medical purposes; Anaesthetic apparatus; Anaesthetic masks; Contraceptives, non-chemical; Ear picks; Ear plugs [ear protection devices]; Clothing especially for operating rooms; Operating tables; Surgical drapes; Ophthalmometers; Opthalmoscopes; Orthopedic articles; Arch supports for footwear; Supportive bandages; Knee bandages, orthopedic; Orthopedic footwear [shoes]; Orthopedic soles; Pessaries; Balling guns; Condoms; Artificial limbs; Pulse meters; Pumps for medical purposes; Quartz lamps for medical purposes; Radiological apparatus for medical purposes; Fumigation apparatus for medical purposes; X-ray apparatus for medical purposes; X-ray photographs for medical purposes; X-ray tubes for medical purposes; Radiology screens for medical purposes; Radium tubes for medical purposes; Saws for surgical purposes; Babies' bottles; Feeding bottle valves; Scissors for surgery; Splints, surgical; Slings [supporting bandages]; Teats; Cupping glasses; Supports for flat feet; Protection devices against X-rays, for medical purposes; Armchairs for medical or dental purposes; Love dolls [sex dolls]; Scalpels; Probes for medical purposes; Containers especially made for medical waste; Beds, specially made for medical purposes; Cases fitted for medical instruments; Furniture especially made for medical purposes; Spirometers [medical apparatus]; Syringes for medical purposes; Spittoons for medical purposes; Bed pans; Stents; Sterile sheets, surgical; Stethoscopes; Boots for medical purposes; Radiotherapy apparatus; Traction apparatus for medical purposes; Elastic stockings for surgical purposes; Hypodermic syringes; Suspensory bandages; Hot air therapeutic apparatus; Thermal packs for first aid purposes; Thermometers for medical purposes; Stretchers, wheeled; Trocars; Droppers for medical purposes; Dropper bottles for medical purposes; Filters for ultraviolet rays, for medical purposes; Ultraviolet ray lamps for medical purposes; Maternity belts; Incontinence sheets; Hypogastric belts; Abdominal pads; Urological apparatus and instruments; Vaginal syringes; Sprayers for medical purposes; Veterinary apparatus and instruments; Bed vibrators; Vibromassage apparatus; Thermo-electric compresses [surgery]; Water beds for medical purposes; Water bags for medical purposes; Resuscitation apparatus; Brushes for cleaning body cavities; Clips, surgical; Dental apparatus; Dental apparatus, electric; Mirrors for dentists; Dentists' armchairs; Dentures; Orthodontic appliances; Pins for artificial teeth; Tongue scrapers; Strait jackets; Medical products for draining and/or healing inflamed wound cavities.



Application Number 011120169
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-08-15
Registration Date 2012-12-28
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Suture materials.



Application Number 010964278
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-06-14
Registration Date 2012-11-05
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical instruments, apparatus and devices; Surgical implants; Single-use heart positioners.



Application Number 010939528
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-06-05
Registration Date 2012-11-01
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Common metals and their alloys for surgical and orthopaedic implants. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Implant coatings; Suture materials.



Application Number 010939478
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-06-05
Registration Date 2012-10-31
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Common metals and their alloys for surgical and orthopaedic implants. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Implant coatings; Suture materials.



Application Number 010885929
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-05-15
Registration Date 2013-06-19
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus, instruments and devices; Surgical implants (artificial materials); Cardiological implants; Surgical transplants; Suture materials.


ArcadiusXP C

Application Number 010865954
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-05-08
Registration Date 2012-10-05
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Lumbar and cervical stand-alone intervertebral implants (spinal column implants/placeholders, of artificial material) and parts and accessories therefor; Medical, Surgical,Medical preparation instruments and Implantation instruments.


ArcadiusXP L

Application Number 010865855
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-05-08
Registration Date 2012-10-05
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Lumbar and cervical stand-alone intervertebral implants (spinal column implants/placeholders, of artificial material) and parts and accessories therefor; Medical, Surgical,Medical preparation instruments and Implantation instruments.



Application Number 010602639
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-01-31
Registration Date 2012-06-27
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials; Medical and surgical devices to assist in the operative sealing and division of tissues.



Application Number 010550283
Status Registered
Filing Date 2012-01-10
Registration Date 2012-05-23
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; Artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials; Surgical implants and prostheses.



Application Number 009704339
Status Registered
Filing Date 2011-02-02
Registration Date 2011-06-15
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Suture materials.



Application Number 009529397
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-11-17
Registration Date 2011-05-03
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Common metals and their alloys for surgical and orthopaedic implants. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Suture materials.



Application Number 009466566
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-10-22
Registration Date 2011-11-24
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Dental apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles.



Application Number 009464017
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-10-21
Registration Date 2011-03-28
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Common metals and their alloys for surgical and orthopaedic implants. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; Orthopedic articles; Orthopaedic and surgical implants; Suture materials.



Application Number 009451527
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-10-15
Registration Date 2011-04-01
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; medical and surgical devices to assist in the operative sealing and division of tissues. Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services.


hydrocephalus forum

Application Number 009301946
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-08-09
Registration Date 2010-12-27
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities. Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software. Medical services; Veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture or forestry services.



Application Number 009193822
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-06-22
Registration Date 2010-12-06
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 17 - Rubber and plastic; packing and insulating materials

Goods & Services

Plastics stabilised with vitamin E, being components for orthopaedic implants and prostheses; orthopaedic and surgical implants. Plastics, semi-processed, other than for cables.



Application Number 009090564
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-05-10
Registration Date 2010-10-26
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical apparatus and instruments; spinal column implants (of artificial materials); surgical plating systems for spinal columns, consisting of plates and screws for surgical purposes.



Application Number 008980815
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-03-25
Registration Date 2010-08-18
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 06 - Common metals and ores; objects made of metal
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Ironmongery, small items of metal hardware. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs; orthopaedic implants; orthopedic articles; suture materials; surgical implants (of artificial material).



Application Number 008876831
Status Registered
Filing Date 2010-02-11
Registration Date 2010-06-28
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical, apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; surgical implants.



Application Number 008340051
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-06-04
Registration Date 2010-03-12
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Soft tissue implants; soft tissue patches; patches for surgical or medical purposes; implants for use in tissue regeneration; biodegradable implants for use in guided tissue regeneration; surgical dressings; adhesive dressings; adhesive patches for surgical or medical purposes; surgical implants (living tissues); surgical nets for hernia treatment/tissue support (living tissue); supportive plasters for surgical use; all aforesaid goods without phrarmaceutical preparations. Medical devices; artificial implants; Biodegradable implants, other than for use in guided tissue regeneration; implant materials for use in surgery; Medical implants; articles for surgical use; artificial skin for surgical purposes; supportive bandages for surgical purposes; supportive adhesive bandages; adhesive membranes for surgical or medical use, other than for retaining catheters on the skin; grafts for surgical use; surgical graft materials; surgical implant materials; drug delivery apparatus; transdermal drug delivery apparatus; surgical nets for hernia treatment/tissue support (artificial tissue).



Application Number 008340655
Status Registered
Filing Date 2009-06-04
Registration Date 2010-01-26
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Soft tissue implants; soft tissue patches; patches for surgical or medical purposes; implants for use in tissue regeneration; biodegradable implants for use in guided tissue regeneration; surgical dressings; adhesive dressings; adhesive dressings containing pharmaceutical preparations; skin patches for the transdermal delivery of pharmaceuticals; adhesive patches for surgical or medical purposes; surgical implants (living tissues); surgical nets for hernia treatment/tissue support (living tissue); supportive plasters for surgical use. Medical devices; artificial implants; Biodegradable implants, other than for use in guided tissue regeneration; implant materials for use in surgery; Medical implants; articles for surgical use; artificial skin for surgical purposes; supportive bandages for surgical purposes; supportive adhesive bandages; adhesive membranes for surgical or medical use, other than for retaining catheters on the skin; grafts for surgical use; surgical graft materials; surgical implant materials; drug delivery apparatus; transdermal drug delivery apparatus; surgical nets for hernia treatment/tissue support (artificial tissue).



Application Number 005319926
Status Registered
Filing Date 2006-09-18
Registration Date 2007-08-23
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; medical and surgical devices to assist in the operative sealing and division of tissues. Medical services; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services.



Application Number 003432382
Status Registered
Filing Date 2003-10-23
Registration Date 2005-09-29
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Computer programs, including machine-readable data carriers containing programs or other information. Surgical, medical, healthcare, dental, veterinary and animal-breeding instruments, apparatus and equipment; implants, internal joint prostheses; electric medical apparatus; sterilisation containers for medical instruments. Drawing up organisational plans and operational plans for hospitals. Repair and maintenance of medical instruments, apparatus and equipment; cleaning of surgical instruments and equipment; filling of surgical instrument stores; hospital services, namely sterilisation of instruments and equipment. Storage of surgical instruments and equipment; disposal (transport) of surgical instruments and apparatus. Providing of training and further training for external personnel; conducting training courses for others; film showings, film rental; publication of scientific information journals; arranging symposiums and workshops. construction drafting of endoprostheses. Medical equipment rental.


Miscellaneous Design

Application Number 003432391
Status Registered
Filing Date 2003-10-23
Registration Date 2005-09-01
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 09 - Scientific and electric apparatus and instruments
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments
  • 35 - Advertising and business services
  • 37 - Construction and mining; installation and repair services
  • 39 - Transport, packaging, storage and travel services
  • 41 - Education, entertainment, sporting and cultural services
  • 42 - Scientific, technological and industrial services, research and design
  • 44 - Medical, veterinary, hygienic and cosmetic services; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services

Goods & Services

Data processing apparatus, computers; computer programs, including machine-readable data carriers containing programs or other information; video cameras, video cameras for medical purposes, endoscopes. Surgical, medical, health-care, dental and veterinary instruments, apparatus and equipment; animal-breeding instruments, namely coercives for animals; implants, internal joint prostheses, electric medical apparatus; sterilisation containers for medical instruments. Drawing up organisational plans for hospitals. Repair and maintenance of medical instruments, apparatus and equipment; cleaning of surgical instruments and equipment; filling of storage trays for surgical instruments; hospital services, namely sterilisation of instruments and equipment. Storage of surgical instruments and equipment; clearing away, collecting and packing of surgical instruments and equipment in special containers after operations. Providing of training and further training for external personnel; conducting training courses for others; film showings, film rental; publication of scientific information journals; arranging symposiums and workshops. Computer programming for others; computer program rental; construction drafting of endoprostheses. Drawing up operational plans for hospitals; hospitals, rental of medical equipment.



Application Number 000456723
Status Registered
Filing Date 1997-01-31
Registration Date 1999-02-24
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Medical and surgical instruments.



Application Number 000434936
Status Registered
Filing Date 1996-12-11
Registration Date 1999-03-30
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Special purpose motors powered by compressed air and/or electricity being driving gear for apparatus for bone surgery, treatment of fractures, orthopaedics, neuro-surgery, hand surgery and dermatology and associated movable shafts, hand pieces and utensils for drilling, sawing, grinding, trepan, for skin transplants and for cutting skin.



Application Number 000365080
Status Registered
Filing Date 1996-08-26
Registration Date 1999-03-03
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Ceramic materials for body implants; body implants.



Application Number 000307959
Status Registered
Filing Date 1996-07-08
Registration Date 1999-03-03
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ?
  • 05 - Pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary products
  • 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Absorbable body implants, in particular of gelatine. Surgical instruments.



Application Number 000262220
Status Registered
Filing Date 1996-05-16
Registration Date 1999-02-24
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical and medical instruments, in particular instruments for inserting implants; surgical and medical apparatus; orthopaedic articles; pins for fixing implants.



Application Number 000047217
Status Registered
Filing Date 1996-04-01
Registration Date 1999-01-20
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Body implants, surgical instruments.



Application Number 000046185
Status Registered
Filing Date 1996-04-01
Registration Date 1998-09-09
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Body implants, surgical instruments.



Application Number 000122721
Status Registered
Filing Date 1996-04-01
Registration Date 1999-05-11
Owner Aesculap AG (Germany)
NICE Classes  ? 10 - Medical apparatus and instruments

Goods & Services

Surgical instruments.