May Patents Ltd.


Quantité totale PI 134
Rang # Quantité totale PI 9 589
Note d'activité PI 2,9/5.0    115
Rang # Activité PI 5 993



127 0
0 0
7 0
Dernier brevet 2024 - System and method for server bas...
Premier brevet 2006 - Information device

Derniers inventions, produits et services

2024 Invention System and method for server based control. A system and method in a building or vehicle for an ...
Invention Device for displaying in response to a sensed motion. A device including a visual or audible sig...
2023 Invention System and method for routing-based internet security. Method and system for improving the secur...
Invention Electric shaver with imaging capability. System and method for improving the shaving experience b...
Invention Device for displaying in response to a sensed motion. A device includes a signaling means and a m...
Invention Device for displaying in response to a sensed motion. A device includes a signaling means and a ...
Invention System and method for a motion sensing device. A device includes a signaling means and a motion ...
Invention Method and apparatus for cooperative usage of multiple distance meters. A method and apparatus f...
Invention Electric shaver with imaging capability. System and method for improving the shaving experience ...
2022 Invention Sequentially operated modules. Method, modules and a system formed by connecting the modules for...
Invention System and method for routing-based internet security. Method and system for improving the securi...
Invention Method and apparatus for cooperative usage of multiple distance meters. A method and apparatus fo...
2021 Invention System and method for a motion sensing device. A device includes a signaling means and a motion s...
2020 Invention Sequentially operated modules. Method, modules and a system formed by connecting the modules for ...
Invention System and method for server based control. A system and method in a building or vehicle for an a...